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DTN Closing Grain Comments    04/26 13:58
   Row Crop Prices Slightly Lower as Wheat Pushes Higher for Seventh Session

   December corn ended down 2 3/4 cents and November soybeans were down 3/4
cent with a broad coverage of rain starting to work its way slowly eastward
across the continental U.S. July contracts of all three U.S. wheats closed
higher for a seventh consecutive session Friday, finishing the week with their
biggest weekly gains in several months.

Todd Hultman
DTN Lead Analyst


   July corn closed down 2 cents and December corn was down 2 3/4 cents. July
soybeans closed down 2 1/2 cents and November soybeans were down 3/4 cent. July
KC wheat closed up 13 3/4 cents, July Chicago wheat was up 1 3/4 cents and July
Minneapolis wheat was up 5 1/4 cents.
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