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Exchange rate was 1.3523 down 0.0001
Chicago corn closed slightly higher.

      DEC24   HI 4.08                         DEC24    HI 4.08
             LOW 4.03  1/4                            LOW 4.03  1/4
            CLOSE4.07  1/4  Up 1                    CLOSE 4.07  1/4  Up 1

            OLD CROP BASIS                          NEW CROP BASIS
Location    Spot   1mt   2mt   3mt U.S. $/bu   $/mt Cntrct U.S.   $/bu   $/mt
CK Low       1.00                        5.07 199.70  1.00         5.07 199.70
CK High      1.05                        5.12 201.66  1.00         5.07 199.70
CK Avg       1.03                  -0.30 5.10 200.82  1.00 -0.32   5.07 199.70
Essex Cty    1.05                        5.12 201.66  1.00         5.07 199.70
Mdsx Low     1.00                        5.07 199.70  1.00         5.07 199.70
Mdsx High    1.05                        5.12 201.66  1.00         5.07 199.70
Mdsx Avg     1.01                  -0.31 5.09 200.19  1.00 -0.32   5.07 199.70
Hensall      1.02                        5.09 200.35  1.02         5.09 200.35
Bruce        1.05                        5.12 201.66  1.05         5.12 201.66
Putnam       1.00                        5.07 199.70  1.00         5.07 199.70
Guelph       1.00                        5.07 199.70  1.00         5.07 199.70
Burford      1.00                        5.07 199.70  1.00         5.07 199.70
Port Perry   0.80                        4.87 191.82  0.80         4.87 191.82
Norfolk      1.05                        5.12 201.66  1.00         5.07 199.70
Palmerston   1.00                        5.07 199.70  1.00         5.07 199.70
Varna        1.00                        5.07 199.70  1.00         5.07 199.70
Belmore      1.00                        5.07 199.70  1.00         5.07 199.70
Trenton      0.80                        4.87 191.82  0.80         4.87 191.82
Winchester  N/A                                       1.00         5.07 199.70
North Gower  0.60                        4.67 183.95  0.95         5.02 197.73
Vankleek Hil 0.83                        4.90 193.00  0.83         4.90 193.00
Huron FOB    1.18  1.00  1.00  1.04      5.25 206.78  1.00         5.07 199.70
Kent FOB     1.20                        5.27 207.57  1.10         5.17 203.63
Lamb FOB     1.25                        5.32 209.54  1.05         5.12 201.66
Mdsx FOB     1.20  1.10  1.10  1.10      5.27 207.57  1.10         5.17 203.63
FOB SW Que   1.70                        5.77 227.25N/A
Track        1.77                        5.84 229.91N/A
Chat-Eth    N/A  N/A   N/A     1.41                 N/A
Jhnstwn-Eth N/A  N/A   N/A   N/A                    N/A
Aylmer-Eth  N/A  N/A   N/A   N/A                    N/A
Sarn-Eth    N/A  N/A   N/A   N/A                    N/A
London-Ing  N/A  N/A   N/A   N/A                    N/A
Cardnl-Ing  N/A  N/A   N/A   N/A                      1.45         5.52 217.41
W O Feed     1.77                        5.84 229.91
max 3.0 ppm
US Rep       1.84                        5.91 232.76
Toledo El.  -0.61                        3.46 136.37 -0.68         3.40 133.71

Pt. Colb    N/A                                       1.10         5.17 203.63
Prescott     1.03                        5.10 200.88  1.16         5.23 205.99

HI SD CRN                                             1.00         5.07 1/4
*Wet Bid

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